Ernest O'Dell - Social Media Productions

How to Choose the Right Copywriter for You and Your Business

How to Choose the Right Copywriter for You and Your Business
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What Type of Copywriting Do You Need?
What type of copy writing are you looking for?

There are all sorts of copy writing and a variety of "voices."

First, there is copywriting by niche specialty. For example: copywriters who only write for alternative health, or financial, or self-help markets. Second, there are copywriters who specialize in the type of copy: landing pages, white papers, video scripts, etc. Then there is advertising copy. There's corporate copy such as marketing collateral, branding, "creative," newsletters, and product literature. There's slick ad agency copy. There's direct response, and Business to Business. There's web SEO, SMO content and web sales copy.

Let's divide this into two primary types:

  • Copy designed to sell, and
  • Copy designed for other reasons.

Now there is some copy that is supposedly designed to sell, but has no way of measurement. The most powerful type of copy and the hardest one to find is the one that sells. If you just want content, you can find that just about anywhere, but "buyer beware."  (You will get what you pay for!)

Think Marketing Strategy First, Copywriting Second

What will your marketing strategy be? Unless you know and understand marketing strategy it's important to get some feedback on this. Copy is one part of three things: Your message (the copy), your list (or target market), and your marketing strategy (the process of getting the prospect to your copy, through your copy and to your order page).

Good copy will multiply your sales. Bad copy will make everything suck...

But you can't multiply zeroes. If your strategy is off you'll get zeroes. Almost every copywriter offers a "free" consultation. But that's like trying to go to your doctor and asking for a free visit for him/her to tell you what's wrong with you. A good doctor will tell you he must be paid for his time, just like any qualified professional.

Usually you get what you pay for, and paying for marketing advice is a good investment because without the correct strategy, the quality of the copy is irrelevant. Keep in mind that you may THINK you know what you need, but unless you are a marketing expert, you may be way off. The right copywriter will be able to help you formulate and clarify an effective marketing strategy, not just write the copy for you. The right copywriter will be a marketing consultant first and foremost.

Which Skill is More Important: Sales or Writing Good Copy?

Think sales ability first, writing ability second. Advertising is salesmanship multiplied. You'd be far better served having a door-to-door sales person write your copy, than an English teacher, novelist, or business writer. 

Why is this?

Good writing is persuasive. But getting a person to open their wallet or purse to give you money is going another step further. There is a structure to sales. There is a process that takes a person from not interested, to interested, wanting to know more, and deciding to make a buying decision. That process is different from any other style of writing. In fact great copy can easily be transferred from one media to another. For example, a great sales letter can be turned into a script for a live sales presentation. Conversely, a live sales presentation can be edited and turned into a sales letter.

Experienced professional sales closers are rare.

Even more rare are those that can write. There is lots of copy under the category of "marketing copy" that doesn't really get the job done. Copy written by ad agency copywriters, freelance writers, and even journalists who specialize in commercial writing. Unless the copy has the underlying structure of sales and is asking for a response from the reader that is measurable, it's really not copywriting that sells.

Think: call to action.

There are many wannabe writers out there. And even more wannabe copywriters since it's been turned into a home-based business. Many, who have no background in sales or writing, are attempting it. Sadly, there is an overabundance of mediocrity. And with all the deception it can be very easy to be led astray. If you have to choose between sales or writing ability, choose sales. Sure it may not be the most elegantly worded copy, the rhythm may not be perfect, BUT at least it will have the proper structure of sales. And that's what you ultimately want. 

Know What You Want the Copy to Do

Know your outcome. This comes straight from Neuro-Linguistic Programming. You may have heard it from big names like Joe Vitale or Tony Robbins. It's critical to know exactly what you want. Few who go in search of a copywriter have this clarity. This requires some forethought.

What specifically do you want the copy to accomplish?

What do you want the reader to do as a result of reading your copy? Signup for your free ezine/offér? Compel them to watch a free video? Get them to make a purchase?

When you know your desired outcome, you will be much more likely to find the copywriter that can help you achieve that outcome. If you are unclear about it, how likely will you be able to find a copywriter who can achieve it? When you can tell the copywriter specifically what you are trying to achieve, they are much more likely to hit the nail on the head.

How Much Will You Invest in Your Copy?

What is your budget? If you only have a few hundred dollars, you may be better off getting a critique of your copy or writing a rough draft of your sales pitch yourself and then having a writer edit it - or getting some basic courses on marketing so you have a better idea of what good copy entails.

There are wide ranges in fees: Anywhere from $500, to $1500, $2500, $5000, $10,000, even as much as $100,000 plus royalties on sales. But even at that price range you aren't gonna get a guárantee of results. With any business there are risks and rewards. There are too many different factors for anyone to promise you a certain result. If they do, that is a red flag. It can be very risky to take the advice of a rookie copywriter. Like taking legal advice from an inexperienced attorney when you are charged with a crime. Either you purchase a copy critique from a known professional copywriter or have your brother-in-law read your copy.

The latter is not the option you really want...

Make sure what you are saying comes across clearly, Find out if there are any spots where they stop reading, and ask them if the claims are compelling and most importantly believable. If not, why not?

Do You Have Realistic Expectations About Your Copy?

Have realistic expectations. Almost every copywriter promises to make you more money. The truth is, copy is only one component of a successful marketing campaign. And even the best copywriters fail 20% to 30% of the time. Yet no one seems to tell you about this...

That's why the typical assurance you will see is this: if you don't make money, we will happily rewrite it for free. Or you get your money back.

That's ok on the Internet if you aren't spending a ton of money on your marketing campaign. But what if you ARE spending a lot on advertising or marketing offline to promote? If anybody could actually promise you success, they would promise to make you money or else refund their fee. But they won't, because they don't want to work for free.

Why You Should Consider a Marketíng Partner

How can you get the best chances for success? Partner with your copy writer. The deal that all clients are glad to make that no copywriter wants is this: I'll pay you after I see the sales with a percentage of sales that your copy brings in.

What's wrong with this? It's pretty lopsided. Clients fail to implement correctly or something else goes awry. It's far too easy for the copywriter to end up getting nothing out of the deal. What is fair? Paying a reasonable up front fee and then a portion of sales generated. So be willing to put some "skin" in the game.

The copywriter will work hard for you when motivated by a share in the potential revenue.

Wouldn't you?

This "partnering" paradigm has worked very well with a lot of marketing companies over the years.  It has also worked well for me.  The best copywriters in the world realized at some point that they were creating assets for these companies. And that as such they should share in some of the revenues generated.

When you keep these guidelines in mind, you will be able to find the best copywriter for your money.

Ernest O'Dell is the Director of Business Development and strategic social media productions.  He is a seasoned business consultant and direct response copywriter for several industries, including--but not limited to--Real Estate, Insurance, Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Oil & Gas industry, TeleCommunications, Computers and I/T. He is the author of the Covert Series of marketing books for the real estate, telecommunications and insurance industries.


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